The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method.
Yields of neutron generators have been measured by the iron foil neutron activation method and a long counter separately. The methods and results are given.
The results show that the crown ether extraction- neutron activation method can be satisfactorily applied to the separation and determination of trace rhenium in rock samples and complex systems.
A new method was developed to measure the neutron albedo by the Monte Carlo code and the activation method.
In the paragraph of the method of using artificial tracer, there is the explanation about the tracer technology of neutron activation analysis and the method of Lanthanide-DTPA tracer.
在人工示踪法中叙述了中子活化示踪沙技术和稀土元素- DTPA螯合物示踪法。
The neutron activation iron method was contrasted with the associated-particle method, the preparatory experiment was done.
The intermediate and fast neutron flux spectrum in the core of the swimming-pool reactor is measured by multiple foil activation method.
A method is presented for the measurement of integrated thermal neutron flux in a high flux reactor by a Co-activation method.
The multiple group cross sections are indispensable when we want to obtain the neutron spectrum by multiple foil activation method.
With MCNP/4B code, the influence of cut-off energy, flux tallies, nuclear databases and perturbation on the reaction rates calculation with neutron-activation method are analysed.
An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China.
An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China.