New generation movies follow the humanism spirits existing in China 's movies from the first to the fifth generation and the creation also declares publicly the coming of the realism nature spirits.
There are countless initiatives like this, all giving shape to a new humanism, to new forms of solidarity and citizenship to combat poverty, marginalization and despair.
In this era, all kinds of schools in the field of humanism science have taken up their work to construct the new scientific idea and thought pattern.
It views the rescue of nature as the way of rescuing man, thus unifying naturalism and Humanism at a new height.
Xueheng School, as the representative of "new humanism", has an important position in the history of Chinese literature and culture.
The present paper mainly studies the application of new techniques to the landscape design in modern residential areas in the light of humanism, environment and design esthetics.
It is almost a universally acknowledged statement that Shakespeares depiction of women is of a new line of humanism.
As a member of "New York 5", John Hejduk has studied the logic of architectural language all the time, and tried his best to reflect humanism in his works.
Originated from Bai Bide's new humanism, the theoretical construction of new poem by the classical poem school in modern China belongs to the thought of new classicalism.
Spirit is the soul of a university, which is endowed with new era characteristics of humanism, geographical relation and acuteness.
Since the new periods of the Chinese literature, the critical view of humanism has made considerable progress.
The opinion that literature was irrelevant with fight against Japan's invasion indirectly reflected his literary view of new humanism.
There are three distinguishing features in this book: completely new attempt in narrative study; an international view on Questionable China and humanism feelings.
A lot of new ideas are now developed to meet the demands of the changing world, one of which is learning families under the influence of life-long education, learning organization and humanism.
Objective To explore the new practice of performing humanism nursing in obstetric ward.
One of the object of new courses were forming scientific and humanism diathesis.
Therefore, the post-modernism culture in a new age of colony, the traditional Chinese culture and folk custom, blend together into a brand-new landscape of humanism.
The texts chosen for study exemplify the emergence of a new humanism, at once troubled and dynamic in comparison to the old.
Feng Xiaogang's films for greeting the New Year just pay close attention to this kind of situation. There are more tendency about modern humanism and exploration about people's deep heart.
The most evident feature of his literary stand was the dualistic theory of human nature based on the theory of New Humanism.
他的文学主张最明显的特点是建立在新人文主义基础上的二元人性论 ,而艺术至上主义却时隐时现地贯穿于他批评活动的始终。
SA8000 Standard: Humanism or New Mercantilism? ;
SA8000 Standard: Humanism or New Mercantilism? ;