The new big boss will be expected to set an example; any leaders showing signs of human frailty will be out on their ears.
I am sure that this new information will encourage you to reconsider your decision and include "Big Boss" in your Spring Edition.
Some cannot bring themselves to wield the axe: big disposals are often triggered only when a new boss takes over or a financial crisis forces a chief executive's hand.
“The period between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day is our busiest six weeks of the year,” explains Sam Yagan, the boss of OkCupid, a big American dating site.
BP also fired the head of its exploration division and said it is undergoing a big reorganisation of its safety operations ahead of the arrival of Robert Dudley, its new boss, on October 1st.
Indeed, Big Boss lets Snake know of the new liberty that he can now experience.
DEREK JONES: Everything in Big Boss is new.
Take Novoye Vremya (The New Times) a new magazine whose boss was sacked from a big daily paper for his too-frank coverage of the Beslan school siege in 2004.
以新报(Novoye Vremya)为例,其老板原效力于一家大型日报,因为其在2004年别斯兰学校人质事件中过于直白的报道而遭开除。
Grinding out more out hours at the office won't actually impress your boss or get you that next big promotion, it appears, according to a new study.
This boss carefully selected this day to celebrate the big opening of his new restaurant close to Beijing Road.
A new clerk was sent to the post office by his boss to mail a big envelope.
Catania's new boss Giampaolo really needs to take this job seriously as it gives him a concrete base to make it big in Serie a.
Catania's new boss Giampaolo really needs to take this job seriously as it gives him a concrete base to make it big in Serie a.