Breeding a new cultivar through the traditional way need a long period, so it doesn't meet the stringent demand of production.
The new cultivar began to fruit in 1982, with high-round shape, orange-yellow colour, seedless, big fruit, good quality and flavour.
It is important to replace cleft grafting and cutting grafting with belly grafting as a method of top working to correct chlorosis and improve growth of new cultivar.
It is laborious and slow to create a new cultivar with high-multi resistance and high yield and quality through conventional breeding methods from present germ-plasm.
The theoretic basis of the new seed production procedure to maintain the stability and truthfulness of cultivar populations is analysed from four aspects as well.
Tree peony cultivars may be classified scientifically by a new system composed of five classes: color, type, form, group and cultivar.
The results would provide valuable information for exploring molecular mechanism of radish late bolting, molecular breeding and new elite late-bolting cultivar development.
Indica rice Qianhui 15 is a new conventional cultivar bred from strain crosses of wild rice, indica rice and japonica rice.
Indica rice Qianhui 15 is a new conventional cultivar bred from strain crosses of wild rice, indica rice and japonica rice.