That explains why stockpiling and building new factories are partial answers at best to the global challenge.
According to a new publication of the Global Patient Safety Challenge, "Clean Care is Safer Care," at any given time, more than 1.4 million people worldwide become seriously ill from such infections.
The challenge now is to reach a new global goal: the reduction of global measles deaths by 90% by 2010, compared to 2000 levels.
For world leaders, the global food crisis presents a new health challenge.
To face the challenge of the new century and impact of the global integrated tide, the human resources have already been pushed to the front position.
China's accession to the WTO, the company face of global economic integration, seize the opportunities and meet the new challenge, the commitment to build the world famous explosion-proof.
The global textile industry faces a new challenge.
One big challenge of predicting new product performance in global markets - in this case, movies - is the overabundance of competing information sources.
One big challenge of predicting new product performance in global markets - in this case, movies - is the overabundance of competing information sources.