For instance, most important system processes, such as E-mail transport and remote access, continuously log activity, appending each new entry to the end of the file.
After the log records pertaining to older schema no longer exist in the system, the shadow replicate is automatically deleted and system only has new master replicates.
Another new appearance in this quadrant, but in the Trial zone, is Splunk, a log file analyzer useful to system administrators.
Today, we find a new log-structured file system and the introduction of a file system over an object store.
This enables a self-learning robust system that can push the most accurate data to new users who log into that location.
A manager could also log onto the system and assign new tasks to an employee or view the task status of a particular employee.
NILFS is a new implementation of a log-structured file system (LFS) supporting continuous snapshotting.
NILFS是日志结构文件系统(log - structured file system)的一个新的实现,其支持连续快照。
For example, I log in to the Web application and ask it to send all the people registered in the system a message telling them about a great new feature.
If you do not do this, then when new users log on to the Citrix server, the system will try to re-install the ControllerClient.MSI client software.
如果不这样做,那么当新用户登录Citrix服务器时,系统将尝试重新安装ControllerClient . MS i客户端软件。
The article puts forward a new means in which information of windows system can be got by using log hook function.
This paper constructs a new practical distance learning system that is low cost and high speed by the means of satellite LOG combining with ground connection well.
Based on the double water model and the program system, GCDQ for optimization of log interpretation, a new mathematical model for optimization of log interpretation has been developed.
When you create a new source, which can only write to one log at a time, the system registers your application with the event log as a valid source of entries.
This file, called "consolidated. db, " kept a log of the mobile device's general location going back to June when Apple released a new version of its operating system.
Functions of delivering a new log, modifications and deletions of logs and comments and user info is provided in manage system for users.
Functions of delivering a new log, modifications and deletions of logs and comments and user info is provided in manage system for users.