The rezoning plan by the Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the Lower East Side calls for a limitation on new hotels and luxury housing development construction.
SLUM tourism has a long history - during the late 1800s, lines of wealthy New Yorkers snaked along the Bowery and through the Lower East Side to see "how the other half lives."
The latest report from New York Daily News suggested that Lady GaGa is the next star to pop up on the show and that she has filmed her part on Tuesday, October 6 in the lower East Side.
A group of New Yorkers are painting white the roofs of 20 buildings managed by the Cooper Square Mutual Housing Association in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
As one of the New York's oldest neighbourhoods, the Lower East Side was at one time the centre of Jewish culture, with many notable Jewish landmarks remaining in the vicinity.
SLUM tourism has a long history — during the late 1800s, lines of wealthy New Yorkers snaked along the Bowery and through the Lower East Side to see "how the other half lives."
SLUM tourism has a long history — during the late 1800s, lines of wealthy New Yorkers snaked along the Bowery and through the Lower East Side to see "how the other half lives."