Recently, Larry Sun, a software engineer at Google in Silicon Valley, has stepped on as our Product and Technology Director, and we are so grateful for his input on prioritizing new features.
I resigned, and entered a Sino-French joint venture group that is to continue to engage in new product development, in fact, it is a process engineer.
The product lay untouched for years until a new engineer brought it to life again.
The Senior system test Engineer will implement the testing for the new product in system level.
The Process Engineer reports to the Engineering Manager, and is responsible for maintaining on-going processes and developing new processes to meet product goals of quality, delivery and cost.
Much progress has been made in improving the quality of the product with the help of the new engineer.
The company develop new products by strong technical power, special pattern technicians and engineer technicians, the product develop period short the effect quickly.
The company develop new products by strong technical power, special pattern technicians and engineer technicians, the product develop period short the effect quickly.