Here, we need to wrap the selected text into the selected style tags and replace the selected text in the document with this new string.
We just loop over the characters of the text and add a new style range to this text presentation instance for each XML tag found in the text.
The last three styling rules shown here align and style the text and provide new background images for the embedded items that represent the drop-down lists.
Add the following class values shown in Listing in the skin.css file by using the new style wizard or directly through the text editor.
使用新样式向导或者直接使用文本编辑器,来添加skin . css文件中列出的以下类值。
If you are new to online dating, it can be hard to understand, with numerous pages and questions to fill out, profile pictures to add in, text-style lingo, blank responses and site navigations.
This text has a border around it and you use the new border-radius style to achieve rounded corners.
文本周围有一个边界,您使用新的border - radius样式来实现4个圆角。
New Style dialog box only) Specifies that the style is applied to the selected text, class, or HTML element.
Monosyllabic words and two-syllable word is the focus of this chapter is the focus of the full text, three-syllable Chinese Yuan ABB style is the prominent feature of the new words.
Monosyllabic words and two-syllable word is the focus of this chapter is the focus of the full text, three-syllable Chinese Yuan ABB style is the prominent feature of the new words.