HumorFeed is a news aggregator specifically for satire and humor.
The Adobe news aggregator pulls in 2,370 feeds in the category of Flex alone.
Adobe新闻聚合器(news aggregator) 仅在Flex 一项上就有 2,370feed。
News aggregator Digg has built a Gearman network of similar size to crunch 400,000 jobs per day.
Nearly every news aggregator put Apple's new leadership situation ahead of hurricane Irene evacuations.
It's a bit like the Drudge Report, but for greater China — a news aggregator with an attitude and an outsized influence.
Most webmasters who attach an XSLT stylesheet to their RSS or Atom feed include instructions on how to install a news aggregator and subsequently subscribe to their feed.
Not too many people will notice or be upset by a flaw in a search index or a news aggregator, but most people will immediately notice an error when it comes to money they had bid with in an auction.
RSSOwl is a feature-rich syndicated news reader and aggregator.
There's a separate news feed and a Planet Orion blog aggregator, as well as a twitter account @orion_oti.
此外还有一个新闻feed和PlanetOrion博客聚合以及名为 @orion_oti的twitter帐号。
So another kind of aggregator has emerged, which offers a selection of news and commentary.
The aggregator will send news about announced grants matching the specific criteria you select, saving you return trips to the site to keep up to date.
The importance of news and data aggregator sites cannot be understated.
The importance of news and data aggregator sites cannot be understated.