Clever newspaper AD for new McDonald's sandwich in Sweden.
I've got to thank you for the work you did on that newspaper AD.
And I am calling in reference to your newspaper AD for a Sales Representative.
Newspaper ad sales have been falling for years, but never as fast as they did last quarter.
"I had felt that a move was close, yes," Sneijder said to Dutch newspaper AD. "There were talks on several occasions."
You know that buying gold COINS from some newspaper AD is not a smart investment, but they know that there will be people out there.
Google is testing AD sales for more than 50 newspapers and plans to make newspaper AD sales a permanent offering sometime next year.
Imagine getting a soft drink from a vending machine using only your smartphone. Or scanning a QR code to buy goods from a newspaper AD.
The project didn't have numbers available but said online ad revenue was expected to surpass print newspaper ad revenue for the first time in 2010.
swipe at France's disastrous World Cup team Wednesday with a full-page newspaper ad for Playstation showing a cock with its head blown off above the words "Game Over."
法国队在本届世界杯赛上耻辱出局,本周三索尼公司在报纸上登出一则PS游戏机的整版广告,对法国队大加嘲讽。 在这则广告上,一只雄鸡被砍掉了脑袋,下面的文字写道“游戏结束”。
When she was 11, she applied for a paper route in her hometown of Santa Barbara, California. "My dad showed me the newspaper AD, which said, 'Are you the boy for the job?"'
Second, choose a type of ad TV, bus, magazine, newspaper or Internet.
Answering the ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address.
She sees an ad in the newspaper for a used one.
Why not put an ad (广告) in the newspaper?
Meanwhile, newspapers' online ad sales dropped 13% year-over-year in Q1, their first double-digit decline since the Newspaper Association started measuring them in 2004.
与此同时,报纸的在线广告第一季度同比下跌13%。 这是自2004年来报业协会开始统计后首次出现两位数的衰退。
If you can afford it, post an AD in your local newspaper.
Otherwise, consider placing an anonymous AD in a non-local newspaper.
Her mother saw an AD in a Shanghai newspaper and figured that more Caucasian-looking eyes would make it easier for her unmarried 28-year-old daughter to find a husband.
A: I've get a fantastic idea. We can put an AD in the newspaper.
With ad markets suffering amid the global economic downturn, observers in the newspaper industry are revisiting the controversial issue of charging online subscriptions for newspaper content.
Put a full-page AD in the newspaper every Friday, advertising the weekly special coming up.
The us newspaper industry has seen AD revenue fall in recent years as advertisers migrate to the Internet, particularly to sites offering free or low-cost alternatives for classified ads.
I've get a fantastic idea. We can put an AD in the newspaper.
The success of craigslist's free listings, for instance, has hurt the newspaper classified ad business.
The success of craigslist's free listings, for instance, has hurt the newspaper classified ad business.