ALMOST every day Raju Narisetti, managing editor of Mint, a business newspaper launched in Mumbai and Delhi this month, gets an E-mail from a Western journalist looking for a job in India.
自从印度财经类报纸Mint本月在孟买和德里开始发行,其执行主编Raju Narisetti的办公桌上来自西方记者的求职信几乎每天一封。
“We thought we would love it,” says Ms. Boyle, who is giving up her job as managing editor of the Marathon/Big Pine Free Press in Marathon, Fla., for the same job at a newspaper in Hillsdale, Mich.
“We thought we would love it,” says Ms. Boyle, who is giving up her job as managing editor of the Marathon/Big Pine Free Press in Marathon, Fla., for the same job at a newspaper in Hillsdale, Mich.