The first step in budgeting is to review the key business metrics and lock them down based on what is realistic for the next year. Be very realistic.
These next key locks are only obtained when the key INSERT finds that a scanner with a Repeatable Read (RR) isolation level has a row lock on the next-higher key in the index.
这些next key锁只有在keyINSERT发现带有RepeatableRead (RR)隔离级别的扫描器在索引中的next -higher键上有一个行锁时才能获得。
These next key locks are only obtained when the key INSERT finds that a scanner with a Repeatable Read (RR) isolation level has a row lock on the next-higher key in the index.
这些next key锁只有在keyINSERT发现带有RepeatableRead (RR)隔离级别的扫描器在索引中的next -higher键上有一个行锁时才能获得。