Nick Clegg and I are completely agreed on this.
保守党教育大臣在BBC一套的Andrew Marr的节目中说:“我和尼克·克莱格在这一点上完全一致。
Nick Clegg is just a product of this devastating legacy.
Even the David Cameron and Nick Clegg travelling roadshow has lost its zest.
Now it's David Cameron, Nick Clegg and William Hague who are up for the chase.
Nick Clegg and David Heath are trying to push it to give it a bit of momentum.
Alistair Darling, the shadow chancellor, said: "Nick Clegg is talking nonsense."
The plan was first championed by British Deputy Prime Minster Nick Clegg in January.
“I saw it in my local newsagents, ” said Nick Clegg, “and I laughed out loud immediately”
Nick Clegg说:“我在地方报亭看到了这则消息,我立即大笑起来。”
In his grandpa jeans, Nick Clegg looks like a bandy-legged postman who has just got the sack.
Got a question for Gordon Brown, David Cameron or Nick Clegg? Now is your chance to take part in television history.
Earlier, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg urged Mr Murdoch to reconsider the proposed multibillion-dollar takeover.
此前,副首相克莱格(Nick Clegg)曾敦促默多克重新考虑这次价值几十亿美元的收购。
BRITAIN's Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has kicked off a debate over how to privatise the country's state-owned Banks.
Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, went down particularly well in Mexico, where he addressed the Congress in fluent Spanish.
New fathers will be given up to ten months of paid paternity leave under plans outlined by British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.
The Fifa delegation will meet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in Downing Street before touring Wembley Stadium with England manager Fabio Capello.
According to "the" on January 17, new fathers will be given up to ten months of paid paternity leave under plans outlined by British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.
Mark Pack, co-editor of the Liberal Democrat Voice website, said: "Party members will understand the underlying point Nick Clegg was making - that this isn't a single-issue coalition."
George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, is also on holiday, though Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, is back, and toured the devastated main street in Tottenham on Monday.
It means a right-handed politician, such as Nick Clegg, will wave his right hand when passing on positive news, while a left-hander - such as David Cameron - will gesture with his left.
Before the election Nick Clegg seemed attuned to the squeezed middle's lot, pushing tax cuts for lower earners in deliberate contrast to Mr Brown's preoccupation with children in poverty.
He reads his paper on the packed Tube train, while she waits patiently on the railway platform. This is travelling the new coalition way for Nick and Miriam Clegg.
He reads his paper on the packed Tube train, while she waits patiently on the railway platform. This is traveling the new coalition way for Nick and Miriam Clegg.
He reads his paper on the packed Tube train, while she waits patiently on the railway platform. This is traveling the new coalition way for Nick and Miriam Clegg.