Day and night, I begged my mother and father to take the bags away shaking with terror, because no one saw them but me.
It was a night of joy and terror, such as this man of stupendous emotions had already experienced twice or thrice in his lifetime.
This anguish was mingled with her terror at being alone in the woods at night; she was worn out with fatigue, and had not yet emerged from the forest.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
It is all there: the dangerous glamour of cities at night; the terror of a forced drive into the forest; a world of tapped hotel telephones and chain-smoking killers in the lobby downstairs.
He could forget his own terror in this new danger, and he worked all night with the crowd, shouting, running and working together to stop the flames destroying more buildings.
And I think it is a moment when too we should thank all of those who work day and night, often with no recognition, to keep us safe from the threat of terror.
Dark night knight also terror!
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.
To the highest titles Douro level, almost remove mountains and fill seas, passing of night terror strength.
Hurricanes seldom reach Ontario, Canada, but in 1954 Hurricane Hazel exposed the residents of Toronto to an awful night of flooding and terror.
She remembered the night she swam far out, and recalled the terror that seized her at the fear of being unable to regain the shore.
A group of teens, a farmhouse premise and flesh eating zombies when all put together with thrilling intensity and terror, we get Night of the Living Dead!
TWO people died when a plane crashed into a New York tower block last night, sparking a big terror alert.
In the night, or the gloomy Chambers of the day, fears and misgivings wax strong, but out in the sunlight there is, for a time, cessation even of the terror of death.
Doctors suggest parents wake their child about 30 minutes before the night terror usually happens. Get the child out of bed, and have her talk to you.
Even now when I see that book sitting on the bookshelf, I can clearly remember the terror I felt that night.
A night terror is a relatively common occurrence that appears mostly in young children, typically between the ages of 3 to 5 years. 2 to 3% of all children will experience episodes of night terrors.
夜惊是一种相对常见的现象,以幼儿为最多见,尤其是3- 5岁儿童。在所有儿童中,有2% - 3%的儿童会有夜惊发作。
The cry of grief, rage, and terror was yet piercing the night, when the unhappy husband held his breath for a response.
During a night terror, which may last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour, the child is still asleep.
The Belgium capital Brussels remains on edge amid anti-terror raid across the city and renewed warnings of possible attacks in busy locations. 16 people were arrested by the police on Sunday night.
The Belgium capital Brussels remains on edge amid anti-terror raid across the city and renewed warnings of possible attacks in busy locations. 16 people were arrested by the police on Sunday night.