"He's a loner nihilist who believes in nothing," Mr. Lu said.
He is a nihilist who regards everything from the critical point of view.
It's a historical misunderstanding to regard Hu Shi as a national nihilist.
Not too many people are willing to see this, and perhaps it is hard to see, because Hazel Motes is such an admirable nihilist.
If you're a nihilist, then feel free to start with the answer, “I don't have a purpose,” or “Life is meaningless,” and take it from there.
The other hero, and the series' salvation, is Lisbeth Salander, a young computer genius whose abusive childhood has left her a misanthropic nihilist.
另外一位是这系列小说的救世主,LisbethSalander .她是一位年轻的电脑天才,儿时受到虐待导致她成为一名厌世的虚无主义者。
With nihilism, no discussion is possible; for the nihilist logic doubts the existence of its interlocutor, and is not quite sure that it exists itself.
As a stiff - in - opinion historic rationality nihilist, Karl Beopul had engaged in denying the existence of the historic regularity with his all life.
As a stiff - in - opinion historic rationality nihilist, Karl Beopul had engaged in denying the existence of the historic regularity with his all life.