I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.
This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade.
To make things worse, I managed to fall right in front of four girls from the ninth grade.
The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students' ability to find a good job.
Students lose many of the friends they turned to for support when they move from the eighth to the ninth grade.
More than half of students will find their academic performance declining sharply when they enter the ninth grade.
In the ninth grade, Bill went out for the race again.
The summer vacation after the ninth grade is quite long, so Harry plans to go to a basketball camp.
Junior high was always a difficult time for me, and the move made my ninth grade year even harder.
One study of ninth-grade students found that 50 percent of friendships among ninth graders changed from one month to the next, signaling striking instability in friendships.
In the new global economy, students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs.
Jessica and Joyce were best friends in ninth grade.
Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party.
Vanessa: Uh, one glance at a ninth grade birthday party?
His old high school recently began offering Chinese classes as early as ninth grade.
Then, in eighth or ninth grade, I studied astronomy, cosmology, and the origins of the universe.
"In ninth grade," Gates recalls over dinner one night, "I came up with a new form of rebellion."
Or that when I was in the ninth grade I was beaten by a school teacher for playing jazz on the piano?
Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party, And you've never forgotten it. How could I?
In ninth grade, a couple of the same boys started a Facebook page called "Every One That Hates Billy Wolfe."
九年级的时候,这群男孩中的一些人在facebook上建了一个“人人都恨billy wolfe”的页面。
After leaving high school in ninth grade, Murdock worked at a gas station before being drafted into the Army in 1943.
In ninth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who went to that party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.
Then, of course, in the ninth grade is when you started working for credits to graduate, and we never stayed in one place long enough to get any credits.
But by ninth grade, we'd drifted apart, which is the polite way of saying that she got tired of hearing the same clumsy teenage boy jokes for two years running.
In ninth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to that "cool" party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.
In ninth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to that "cool" party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.