Mold and carcinogenic nitrosamines a synergistic effect.
These nitrosamines have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
Second-hand contains carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde a pyrene and nitrosamines.
Put them together, it will result nitrite, which would increase the chance of producing nitrosamines.
Other substances such as nitrosamines, arsenic, and some radioactive elements can also be carcinogenic.
The models may be applied to make predictions for the carcinogenicity of new N-nitrosamines with high accuracy.
It was established a method to detect the migration of nitrosamines from nature latex gloves for the first time.
Tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNA) is a group of potential carcinogens which have been found in tobacco, tobacco products, and cigarette smoke only.
烟草特有的N -亚硝胺(tsna)是一组只在烟草、烟制品及烟气中发现的致癌物质。
Material supplied to Ford shall not contain combinations of NITRITES and AMINES which could combine to produce harmful concentrations of NITROSAMINES.
The results demonstrated that the content of N-nitrosamines in the side-stream of cigarette was not obviously related to the content of tar or nicotine.
N-nitrosamines content of cigarette side-stream in different brands was examined and investigated together with the content of tar and nicotine in cigarette.
Nitrosamines are formed in acidic conditions, such as those afforded by stomach acid, but vitamin C inhibits their formation, by converting nitrite to nitric oxide.
The results demonstrated that the content of N-nitrosamines in the smoldering smoke of cigarette was not obviously related to the marked content of tar or nicotine.
The results demonstrated that the content of N-nitrosamines in the smoldering smoke of cigarette was not obviously related to the marked content of tar or nicotine.
N-Nitrosamines content of cigarette smoldering smoke in different brands were examined and investigated together with the marked content of tar and nicotine in cigarette.
Animal experiments showed that local application of the skin and mucous membrane of about 1g total N-nitrosamines, it will induce local or systemic tumors, especially liver cancer.
By using the inductive effect index I as a characteristic bond-parameter, a formula is given describing the relation between the structure of N-nitrosamines and its acute toxicity.
Star Scientific sued RJ Reynolds, a unit of North Carolina-based Reynolds American, in 2001 over a method of treating tobacco to prevent the formation of tobacco-specific nitrosamines.
Besides finding traces of the toxic antifreeze component diethylene glycol, the FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis also discovered carcinogens such as nitrosamines in the samples it tested.
Processed and cured meats contain nitrites which are added to help preserve the meat. When ingested, these break down into nitrosamines and other chemicals that are thought to be cancer-causing.
Processed and cured meats contain nitrites which are added to help preserve the meat. When ingested, these break down into nitrosamines and other chemicals that are thought to be cancer-causing.