Not only did the world's biggest AD agency report a 47 per cent fall in first-half profits; revenues next year are expected to be no better than this year's.
Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78. However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you'll never be more alive than you are at this moment.
There's no better example of this than Aesop's fables.
This is much better than no prioritization.
Not every developer needs to know about concurrency in such detail, and not every engineer is up to the level of this book, but there's no better survey of concurrent programming than this.
But in this recession, having a tarnished brand is better than having no brand at all.
Please understand that I say this approach is no better or worse than that of Herbert and the USDA, I'm simply saying it's worth serious consideration.
To me this is the crux of earthbound magic, and in the US no train conjures it better than the Coast Starlight.
No one has played better on the International circuit this year than Vinci, who has won three titles at this level (and at the two extremes of surface - two on clay, one on grass).
No one is better qualified to answer this question than Michael Dunne in his new book, American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The story of General Motors in China.
没有人比迈克•邓恩更有资格来回答这个问题了。他在新书《美国车,中国路:通用汽车的中国故事》(AmericanWheels, Chinese Roads:The story of General Motors in China)中给出了答案。
There was no better time, no better place, and perhaps no better sales person, than this writer in popularizing the ideas of Coase to the Chinese in the 1980s.
To see through this superstition, however, no way works better than by contrasting it with science.
While better than the other approach, many still consider this to be risky and prefer to have no administrative function in the DMZ.
If you haven't given this much thought, or haven't thought about it in awhile, there's no better time than the present!
The Economist proved no better than anyone else at predicting this turnaround.
This poor bill is still better than no bill at all for two reasons.
“There is no question from a research point of view that this approach has the potential to track patients and tumors better than with the conventional approach, ” he said.
Baobab is no scaremonger, but in this case the charities who backed GCE, including Oxfam and Save the Children, would have done better to have concentrated minds rather than hearts.
There is no better way to do this than through a global climate agreement, which would establish the predictability and certainty that investors require.
While sometimes this results in a great final design, it can also result in a design that does no better than the original (or even worse).
And a study carried out earlier this year found that critically ill children whose red blood-cell counts had dropped by half fared no better after a transfusion than those who did not receive one.
No one knows this better than the young.
I passed the past now, this minute is no billions of minutes, there is no more than one minute and better now.
No one knows this better than Viktor Frankl, writer of the best-selling book Man's Search for Meaning.
Without that basic information, this kind of “research” is no better than an undergraduate’s paper for their Psychology 101 class.
Without that basic information, this kind of “research” is no better than an undergraduate’s paper for their Psychology 101 class.