We must fix the failures of No Child Left Behind.
Let's seize this education moment, let's fix no child left behind.
Another question asked if the candidates would scrap or revise "no Child Left Behind."
The move to increase standards predates No Child Left Behind by at least a decade, he says.
Hillary Clinton proclaims that she will "end the unfunded mandate known as no Child Left Behind".
Some want to undermine the No Child Left Behind Act by weakening standards and accountability.
No Child Left Behind, George Bush's education law, tests pupils on maths, reading and science.
That's what's wrong with No Child Left Behind, and that's what we must change in a fundamental way.
These tests only have to do with funding, following the great fallacy of the No Child Left Behind Act.
Four out of five schools in the United States were labeled as failing under the No Child Left Behind Act.
No Child Left Behind: Here, a young girl drags a rock-laden basket at a construction site in late January.
Ten years ago Congress passed the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), a bold effort to improve America’s schools.
十年前,国会通过了《不让一个孩子掉队法》(No Child Left Behind Act , NCLB)——一项旨在改进美国学校系统的大胆举措。
The No child Left Behind Act has worked for America's children - and I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law.
There are already plenty of people wailing about how No Child Left Behind has resulted in just such a situation.
That why it’s so important that Congress replace No Child Left Behind this year – so schools have that flexibility.
The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act placed all the emphasis on math and reading, to the detriment of foreign language.
But because they didn't meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci's school was labeled as failing last year.
Q school vision: the implementation of teaching students according to their aptitude, no child left behind education ideal.
Unlike No Child Left Behind, this isn't about labeling a troubled school a failure one day, and throwing up our hands the next.
We can fix the failures of No Child Left Behind, while focusing on accountability. That means providing the funding that was promised.
Under the federal No Child Left Behind law, schools are required to show "adequate yearly progress" on tests or face being shut down.
The science and social science content correlates with U. S. national curriculum standards and helps teachers meet the No Child Left Behind goals.
All this was done to raise scores on tests that determine whether schools make "adequate yearly progress" as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act.
Many blamed the lackluster showing on no Child Left Behind, the 2001 federal law that requires schools to test students in math and reading, but not science.
In 2002, when No Child Left Behind, a new elementary education law, was promulgated, Bilingual education law was replaced by English Language Acquisition law.
Bob: I am one liberal who believes this department spends too much money on national programs like No Child Left Behind that are best addressed at the state level.
While the goals behind No child Left behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them.
While the goals behind No child Left behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them.