Under the federal No Child Left Behind law, schools are required to show "adequate yearly progress" on tests or face being shut down.
Many blamed the lackluster showing on no Child Left Behind, the 2001 federal law that requires schools to test students in math and reading, but not science.
Recently it was revealed that the Department of Education had paid a syndicated columnist $240,000 to write in support of a widely criticized Bush law usually referred to as "No Child Left Behind".
While the goals behind No child Left behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them.
The No child Left Behind Act has worked for America's children - and I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law.
No Child Left Behind, George Bush's education law, tests pupils on maths, reading and science.
In 2002, when No Child Left Behind, a new elementary education law, was promulgated, Bilingual education law was replaced by English Language Acquisition law.
In 2002, when No Child Left Behind, a new elementary education law, was promulgated, Bilingual education law was replaced by English Language Acquisition law.