Four out of five schools in the United States were labeled as failing under the No Child Left Behind Act.
These tests only have to do with funding, following the great fallacy of the No Child Left Behind Act.
The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act placed all the emphasis on math and reading, to the detriment of foreign language.
But because they didn't meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci's school was labeled as failing last year.
We can fix the failures of No Child Left Behind, while focusing on accountability. That means providing the funding that was promised.
"No child left behind is a dismal failure. how can we create a real education act, with proper funding, to make students creative, life-long learners instead of teaching to a test?" (education)?
Recently it was revealed that the Department of Education had paid a syndicated columnist $240,000 to write in support of a widely criticized Bush law usually referred to as "No Child Left Behind".
While the goals behind No child Left behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them.
We must fix the failures of No Child Left Behind.
Q school vision: the implementation of teaching students according to their aptitude, no child left behind education ideal.
She was the incarnation of confidence, this chunky, smiling girl, no star athlete, but a typical child who, years ago, might have been left behind in the old win-lose version of PE.
There are already plenty of people wailing about how No Child Left Behind has resulted in just such a situation.
There are already plenty of people wailing about how No Child Left Behind has resulted in just such a situation.