Yes, two bottles of Qingdao beer, no MSG and only a little spicy, please.
The Healthy Soup Base, No Salt, No MSG. All Natural Ingredients: Brown Rice, Mushroom, Seaweed, Old Ginger.
If set aside 43 of the game or app are no problems if the addition of a new game or app, not accept, then MSG Error.
There is no proven long-term medical danger of eating a normal dietary amount of MSG.
Sorry babe, I just got all your MSG and miss calls. I was STK in the traffic. very bad sig. no need hurry.
Expect gruff service, no spoken English and cramped seating — plus a touch of MSG.
生硬的服务,不说英语和拥挤的座位- - -加入味精。
Expect gruff service, no spoken English and cramped seating — plus a touch of MSG.
生硬的服务,不说英语和拥挤的座位- - -加入味精。