If businesses, like the pharmaceutical industry, are driven by the need to make a profit, how can we expect them to invest in R&D for diseases of the poor, who have no purchasing power?
To successfully deliver a vaccine to a remote village, relying on infrastructure already in place, we need a cold delivery vehicle that can survive for six months or longer with no power.
“If the Iranians accept that [Russian] uranium for a civilian power plant, then there's no need for them to learn how to enrich, ” he said on December 17th.
By understanding the power of your emotions, you can then direct your thoughts, and then you will no longer need others to behave differently in order for you to feel good.
Standard by-pass switch, no need to cut down power and stop production for repair and maintenance of equipments.
There is no need for an external amplifier when testing high-power devices.
Just think about the people who suffer the tribulation! We are the man with big power ability in their eyes because we have no need to work hard like them just for eating and living.
By adopting the wireless power supply mode, the power source device has no need for long power source wires, thereby achieving convenient utilization.
By adopting the wireless power supply mode, the power source device has no need for long power source wires, thereby achieving convenient utilization.