Punctilious6 in their observation of traffic signs, they will wait at traffic-light-controlled pedestrian crossings even if there are no pedestrians in sight.
Pedestrians, for their part, are forced onto the fringes of byways, where automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles seem to follow the law of the jungle and yield them no quarter.
If no parking place is designated, the parking of non-motor vehicles shall not impede other vehicles or pedestrians to pass.
Road traffic is no longer more important than pedestrians, the arts have flourished, and design is now a central tenet in urban planning.
Mark Twain lampooned him, possibly unfairly, for mowing down pedestrians in his fine horse-drawn carriage. (" No matter, I'll pay for them. ").
马克·吐温(Mark Twain)就撰文讽刺过他——也许写的不是那么公平,说他曾驾着辆精致的四轮马车行像割草一样把行人撞倒一大片(见《没关系,我付罚款》一文)。
No Through Route For Pedestrians.
The city's informal highway code includes no yielding, vehicles making turns without signalling and pedestrians cross without looking.
When pedestrians are crossing a road where there are no traffic signals, the driver shall make way.
Where the parties have no objections, the fines imposed on pedestrians, passengers and drivers of non-motor vehicles may be collected on the spot.
And the local people have a heavy dislike to drivers who drove as if there is no one else and splashed the water to the pedestrians.
Where no such parking areas are delimited, such vehicles shall be parked at places where the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians are not impeded.
Attributable to road traffic in a matter of principle dealing with focus on the aspects of the implementation of the principle of no fault between automobile and non-automobile, pedestrians.
Article 61 Pedestrians shall walk on sidewalks or on the side of roads where there are no sidewalks.
Cars Only: No Bicycles Motorcycles or Pedestrians.
This is a shopping street for pedestrians only and no motors are allowed here.
Article 61 Pedestrians shall walk inside the pavement, or walk on the right side of the road if there is no pavement.
A small minority of drivers drive much too fast for the conditions within this residential area where there are many parked cars, no pavements for pedestrians, and often children playing.
No Through Route For Pedestrians Detour.
No Through Route For Pedestrians Detour.