When this level of technique is reached, there is often no physical contact which precedes the "throw".
When people no longer merge or have no physical contact, their enthusiasm for a physical fight also declined.
User makes no physical contact with the Flushometer surface except to initiate the Override Button when required.
除非确实需要启用强制冲水按钮,否则使用者与冲水阀表面不会发生身体接触。 收藏。
There should be no physical contact when greeting guests, and the hotel's visiting card should be presented with both hands.
Sue: No. Another important thing is 1) physical contact.
Sue: no. Another important thing is 1 physical contact.
Sheldon, as fans will know, is a stubborn, neurotic and socially inept theoretical physicist who is certain that he has no need for physical intimacy and who is against any type of physical contact.
H1N1 is the new variant for which there is no natural antibody within human body. It is infected through sneeze, cough, and physical contact and the young & strong people are more susceptible.
Some people are drawn to text communication, where there is no face-to-face contact, because they prefer to hide their physical appearance.
Some people are drawn to text communication, where there is no face-to-face contact, because they prefer to hide their physical appearance.