Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute, in Israel, may have found a way to make this fate slightly more bearable.
以色列魏兹曼研究所的Noam Sobel可能发现了一种方法,能使这种命运让人好受点。
Research leader Noam Sobel, of the neurobiology department at the Weizmann Institute, said the technology could also be used to drive electric wheelchairs.
Weizmann学会的神经学部的研究负责人Noam Sobel说该技术可以用电动轮椅来供电。
Research leader Noam Sobel, of the neurobiology department at the Weizmann Institute, said the technology could also be used to drive electric wheelchairs.
Weizmann学会的神经学部的研究负责人Noam Sobel说该技术可以用电动轮椅来供电。