Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion.
Nobody who comes to this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.
There is nobody who knows there will be nobody.
Nobody who knows a little scientific knowledge will believe you.
There is nobody who takes no care of football matches in this city.
I am a Canadian, a nobody who carries no weapon of authority or title.
In existence there is nobody who is superior and nobody who is inferior.
I am just a nobody who works in the advertising department of a TV Broadcaster.
I see nobody mentally tired and nobody who needs a rest and everybody wishing to play.
And nobody who was not privy to that discussion would have been in any position to talk.
Nobody who has experienced real love themselves would call what Narcissus is doing love.’’ K.W.
没有哪个人有过真正爱自己的经历之后会把那耳喀索斯所做的称之为爱。” 卡伦•温特劳布。
Nobody who USES magic should feel safe when amongst blood elves unless they are a blood elf as well.
There is a team and people whom we work with, but finally, there is nobody who dictates what we have to do.
I am an outsider, know nobody who lives along this street, and will not be directly affected by any changes.
People can sense ' attitude' and nobody who interviews you will tell you what they sense from you, ' says Mr.
People can sense 'attitude' and nobody who interviews you will tell you what they sense from you,' says Mr. Coon.
People can sense 'attitude' and nobody who interviews you will tell you what they sense from you, 'says Mr. Coon.
Or: This tradition is a wonderful one but at the moment there is nobody who is interested in it and wants to continue it.
He was no longer a nobody who choked at big events, like the 1988 Calgary Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 10th.
We will regret if we buy wrong things in the supermarket, not to mention more serious things. There's nobody who never regrets.
In May there was an embarrassing burglary by a nobody who hung around after closing time and swiped seven precious objects that took his fancy.
Nevertheless, he continued to insist that he was just a nobody who wanted to go back to his farm, and he was finally returned to Afghan custody.
Since nobody who resorts to IVF accidentally ends up with 10 good spare embryos, this is really a pitch to produce extra embryos just for the cell lines.
There is nobody who has never met with some good chance or other in his life. Simply he has not seized one — Andrew Carnegie, American entrepreneur.
人一生中总会遇到好机会,只是有些把握不住- - -安德鲁·卡内基,美国企业家。
Loewe is a nobody who commands little, if not no, authority in education theories. His approach may even be considered as ruining the students' future.
Loewe is a nobody who commands little, if not no, authority in education theories. His approach may even be considered as ruining the students' future.