Install and configure the Nokia mobile browser simulator.
It's now being used by Nokia and Apple for their mobile browsers, and Google Chrome and the Android browser are powered by WebKit as well.
The Nokia browser simulator is a mobile Internet browser SDK for browsing mobile Internet content (WML, XHTML, and Push messages) from the Internet or your local file system.
Nokia浏览器模拟器是一个移动Internet浏览器s DK,用于从Internet或本地文件系统浏览移动Internet内容(WML、XHTML和Push消息)。
Opera's mobile browser is already being shipped on millions of handsets from major mobile manufacturers including HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, T-Mobile, and more.
目前已经有数百万台手机安装了Opera浏览器,这些厂家包括宏达、摩托罗拉、诺基亚、三星、索爱,T - Mobile等。
Opera's mobile browser is already being shipped on millions of handsets from major mobile manufacturers including HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, T-Mobile, and more.
目前已经有数百万台手机安装了Opera浏览器,这些厂家包括宏达、摩托罗拉、诺基亚、三星、索爱,T - Mobile等。