At that point in 2043, non-Hispanic whites could make up just over have (half) the population.
The figure for non-Hispanic whites fell by 2.6% to $55, 530, while for blacks it declined 2.8% to $34, 218.
That means they erase 70 percent of their parents' lag behind third-generation non-Hispanic Whites in a single generation.
They included more than one-fourth of blacks and Hispanics, twelve percent of Asians and about ten percent of non-Hispanic whites.
But it remains a loose-knit movement, with no one leader. The majority of Tea Party supporters are middle class, non-Hispanic whites.
Poverty increased among every racial group as well, with the sharpest increases among Hispanics, Blacks and non-Hispanic whites in that order.
That's higher than for Asians, non-Hispanic whites, and African-Americans, although second-generation Hispanic women have fewer babies than their mothers did.
Gallup's most recent two weeks of polling showed Obama with the support of 44 percent of non-Hispanic whites, the most since Jimmy Carter won 47 percent in 1976.
Thanks to its large and rapidly rising Hispanic population, Texas is one of only four states in America where “Anglos” (non-Hispanic whites) no longer form the majority.
The overall diabetes mortality rate is 41% higher for Hispanics than for whites and 113% higher for non-Hispanic blacks than for whites.
S-born whites and blacks. "By the third generation one third of hispanic women are married to non-hispanics and41percent of asian-american women are married to non-asians."
S-born whites and blacks. "By the third generation one third of hispanic women are married to non-hispanics and41percent of asian-american women are married to non-asians."