The amount, size and distribution of non-metallic inclusion in different positions of hard wire steel with different diameters were investigated by optical microanalysis.
The results showed that the major cause of reducing diameter was more non-metallic inclusion in the steel than standard value, billet segregation and shrinkage void.
Test results show that non-metallic inclusion and bainite structure in the steel are main factors affecting the elongation.
The invention relates to a method for removing non-metallic inclusion in molten steel.
The long nozzle can effectively control non-metallic inclusion in molten steel, accurately control and regulate the content of trace elements in molten steel and produce fine oxides to disperse steel;
使用该水口可有效控制钢液中非金属夹杂物、精确调控钢液中的微量元素含量、生产细小氧化物弥 散钢。
The long nozzle can effectively control non-metallic inclusion in molten steel, accurately control and regulate the content of trace elements in molten steel and produce fine oxides to disperse steel;
使用该水口可有效控制钢液中非金属夹杂物、精确调控钢液中的微量元素含量、生产细小氧化物弥 散钢。