"Invasive alien species are non native species which are accidentally or intentionally introduced into new areas. They range from microbes to mammals," Dr MacKinnon says.
What is more, non-native species can appear harmless for decades, then turn invasive.
Non-native species can appear harmless for decades, then turn invasive.
The ecosystem down there can't handle this non-native species. It's destroying the environment.
In some case, non-native species of oysters are introduced after a population decline, and they bring with them diseases that further kill off the native oysters.
On average, around 50 non-native species are having a negative impact on existing plants and animals in each country, ranging from nine in Equatorial Guinea to a massive 222 in New Zealand.
"Other factors are involved, of course - such as pollution and invasion by non-native species," said Dr Tew. "However, habitat loss remains the worst offender, although trends are beginning to shift."
Non-native plants sometimes threaten native species by using up nutrient resources.
Higher temperatures will lead to increases of non-native plant and animal species, especially on mid and high latitude islands.
In Europe, the forest is more advanced, non-commercial value species is considered a member of the native forest community was reasonable to protect them.
Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them. - Avoid introducing or transporting non-native species.
保持岩石、植物与其他自然物原貌。-避免引进非本土的物种。 - 不要打造建物、家具或挖渠。
At one time submerged aquatic plants grew in the Tres Rios deep pools, but they were eaten by a species of tilapia, a non-native fish, that got into the pools.
But it's also home to a growing number of non-native species: 756 at last count. 756 May not sound like a lot, compared to 17,000.
But it's also home to a growing number of non-native species: 756 at last count. 756 May not sound like a lot, compared to 17,000.