The objective of tax management is to reduce the amount of tax noncompliance in the greatest degree by establishing an efficient managerial system.
Therefore, strengthening tax collection and management to large enterprises and strengthening tax is an effective way to reduce tax noncompliance in China.
Success and alternate scenarios reveal the potential places where conflicts in the project or a noncompliance may arise.
The greater male aggression and noncompliance may reflect the fact that such behaviors are tolerated and even encouraged in males in our culture more than they are in females.
One that's in the works is aimed at the problem physicians call noncompliance, which means when patients don't take their pills.
A typical result of an orphaned business service is noncompliance to the services SLA, which can make that service the weakest link in an enterprise-level service composition.
The QoS layer lets an SOA signal noncompliance with service qualities in each SOA layer.
QoS层可让SOA对每个 SOA 层中的服务质量不一致性发出信号。
The province announced a similar regulation to standardize hotpot soup base in 2006. But it was only a recommendation to restaurants and did not impose penalties for noncompliance.
Monitor mastitis events, bulk tank bacteria counts and spikes in somatic cell counts to identify noncompliance.
By couching wishes in the form of a request, on the other hand, a speaker implies that if the request is not carried out, only the speaker will suffer: noncompliance cannot harm the addressee.
By couching wishes in the form of a request, on the other hand, a speaker implies that if the request is not carried out, only the speaker will suffer: noncompliance cannot harm the addressee.