The amplifier circuit is nonlinear circuit.
A new method is introduced to analyze the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of nonlinear circuit.
A fault diagnosis method based on frequency-domain kernel analysis in nonlinear circuit and neural network is presented.
A nonlinear circuit model based on the small signal equivalent circuit of semiconductor laser is presented in this paper.
After selected the topology of the mixer, using nonlinear circuit analysis theory we simulate and optimize the mixer circuit.
It is shown that through the nonlinear circuit model, the resonant type and the PWM type converters can be unified with the same analysis method.
文中分析方法表明,利用开关函数的非线性建模及等效小参量分析,可统一PW M类及谐振类变换器的分析。
In this paper, the author presents a method of Chebyshev approximate polynomial for analysing nonlinear circuit as well as an example of its computer realization.
This article using the equivalent parametric method in the steady condition presents the integrated algorithm to the symbolic analysis of nonlinear circuit system.
This paper introduces simply chaos and its characteristic, the chaos output mechanism and condition, and the calculable method of analytic simulation of nonlinear circuit.
The study about the mixer including nonlinear circuit model and the analysis method is necessary attempt. All of that can provide important experience for later research on it.
In order to study the chaotic behavior in the discontinuous system, a RLC nonlinear circuit model with an analogy switch was observed, which was described by a piecewise-continuous map.
Chaos related discontinuity jumps in nonlinear dynamic systems were analyzed using a second order nonlinear circuit model and degenerative equations based on the energy balance principle.
The numerical method of electrical field and circuit and nonlinear and complexity of automation are the main means utilized in the subject.
Multiplier is the circuit which is conformed of nonlinear elements and can make two signal multiplied so that it can implement frequency transformation.
A new method is proposed to identify the parameters of a nonlinear resistive circuit by making use of the nonlinearity of circuits and by the substitution theorem.
The time-stepping FEM model for the dynamic analysis of power system is established considering the nonlinear characteristics of internal generators and typology structures of external circuit.
In this paper, a nonlinear macromodel for all types of Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifiers (IC OP-Amps) is developed through studying the characteristics of all types of IC OP-Amps.
The linearization of nonlinear transducer and the automatic detecting of zero drift and the self-zeroing can be all implemented in the circuit by this generator.
这种函数发生器可以完成非线性传感器的线性化处理和对测量放。 大电路的零点漂移进行自动检测和自动修正。
In the method the mechanical movement, eddy currents, exciting electric circuit and nonlinear problem of the magnetic material are taken into account.
In this paper, Volterra series analysis is applied to investigate the harmonics in a circuit containing single-phase transformer with nonlinear characteristics.
The genetic circuit formed by the interaction between gene and protein (enzyme) is the nonlinear interaction mechanism shown by the orde.
A novel method for fault diagnosis in nonlinear analog circuit is developed.
In order to describe the actual chaotic systems exactly, a simple modified Chua s circuit is presented, which includes an asymmetric nonlinear resistive element.
The paper makes a study of nonlinear dynamics property of second - order circuit stimulatedby sine-wave POwer.
Cellular neural network (CNN) is a kind of large-scale nonlinear analog circuit.
The program PSPICE is used for simulating the bridge circuit of pressure sensor with the nonlinear resistor model to show properties of electric drift as well as thermal drift.
This paper proposes a novel chaotic ADC, which is a kind of non pipeline ADC based on nonlinear map, and the circuit design based on switch capacitance for this ADC is also proposed.
本文研究了一种新型的混沌A/D转换器,这是一种基于非线性映射结构的非流水式ADC ,并提出基于开关电容的ADC电路设计。
Using the characteristic of integrated operational amplifier, an electric bridge circuit sensor without nonlinear error in its output voltage is designed.
Results By applying the nonlinear simulating circuit system, the chaotic-image simulating instrument is made.
Results By applying the nonlinear simulating circuit system, the chaotic-image simulating instrument is made.