By using nonlinear VAR model and impulse response function, this paper explores the reaction of "output—employment" system under the outer shocks.
Combined with element model with varied stiffness in different regions, nonlinear seismic response of shear wall with large or small opening holes was analyzed.
By which linear and nonlinear frequency response function was estimated, and nonlinear stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the model were optimized by least square method in this paper.
Based on the frequency response functions curve fit method, an approximate method for extraction of sloshing model parameters about the problem of nonlinear damping is derived.
A model switching algorithm based on multi-model adaptive control is presented to solve the problem of poor transient response in the adaptive control of nonlinear time-varying system.
Based on Biots consolidation theory, the fully coupling model of seepage and stress is established considering nonlinear coupling response of permeability coefficient.
The analysis model of seismic response and earthquake induced permanent deformation of dam is established with the 3-d nonlinear FEM.
Based on Biots consolidation theory, the fully coupling model of seepage and stress is established considering nonlinear coupling response of permeability coefficient.
Through the forced rolling experiments of ship model with deck into water, the realistic nonlinear roll model can be obtained, and the reliable roll response with large amplitude can be predicted.
Based on a model of a cantilever beam system with clearance restriction, its nonlinear dynamic response to harmonic excitation are studied qualitatively in experiments.
Based on a model of a cantilever beam system with clearance restriction, its nonlinear dynamic response to harmonic excitation are studied qualitatively in experiments.