Roger Lohmann, West Virginia University (Nonprofit Management, Philanthropy)
Roger Lohmann West Virginia University (非盈利管理 慈善)
Roseanne Mirabella, PhD Associate Professor at Seton Hall University. She is the top nonprofit management education researcher in the field.
RoseanneMirabella博士,Seton Hall大学副教授,她是非盈利组织管理教育领域的顶尖研究者。
This paper studies the volunteers to non-profit organization management, introduces the concepts of nonprofit organization, and expounds the meaning and type, volunteers definition of volunteerism.
So nonprofit organizations should accept the marketing concept and put marketing management into practice.
The classification management of nonprofit organization is complex with multiplicity due to different focuses.
The "Identity Management" of nonprofit organization-a comparative cases study of. the cell group pattern and other...
The "Identity Management" of nonprofit organization-a comparative cases study of. the cell group pattern and other...