I believe there's a point where mild autistic traits are just normal human variation.
Each line or point represents specific anatomical structures in the body in normal or diseased state.
They claimed that a normal, healthy person has an 18 percent chance of getting the disease at some point in their life.
The normal TDD approach at this point is to stop testing and start fixing until the test passes.
The Bushes have made a point of keeping things as normal as possible, including the looming iron gate that has been erected across the driveway as a security measure.
What we will do is just, at every point along the curve, the dot product between the vector field and the normal vector.
Myopic people are also more bothered by "floaters" in their vision than people with normal vision, sometimes to the point where it seriously interferes with their lives.
The orientation that will work for this theorem is choosing the normal vector to point outwards.
At some point, all those participating in the war will eventually forget what originally started it and go back to being normal human beings.
probe point: Identifies a point during normal system activity capable of being probed.
The four-point drop in IQs linked to the air pollutants in New York City and Krakow is fairly subtle; parents and teachers wouldn't notice it because most children would fall within normal ranges.
But I can point out that China maintains normal and friendly relations with Somalia.
A join point is "a well-defined point in the program flow." 3 There are many types of join points, such as a method call or a method return, which can be either a normal return or a thrown exception.
It is therefore a good idea to model the path of data flow through your application and consider each point where normal application functions might slow that flow.
From this point, it is a normal AIX installation.
Of course, the researchers were quick to point out that the technology is still a long way off from being able to power normal electronics.
The image is recorded using an array of normal cameras, each of which views the object from a different point of view.
A few will point out McCarthy's utter disdain for the normal conventions of literary prose.
Normal methods (those without the exclamation point at the end) modify and return a copy of the string they were invoked upon.
The normal progression of jobs at that point is for their status to go to successful, partially successful, or failed.
They reach a point. It has been proved that most of them are just normal people.
That one would be pointing kind of to the back slightly up maybe, so like that. And now your middle finger is going to point in the direction of the normal vector.
The storage required for a DECIMAL data type is potentially much larger than it is for a normal floating-point data type.
Premier League football is just days away and it seems as if everything is coming back to normal from an Arsenal point of view.
The benchmark land price refers to an average price of different class at normal market, at some specific time point, in different utilization, one fixed years volume ratio.
We shall also point the condition that matrix power series is normal.
So heavy is demand for the tour, which begins in Sunderland in May, that Britain’s phone network at one point creaked under three to four times the normal weight of calls.
The point is that 10 years after 9/11, the threat of terror appears to be part of the nation's new normal.
For the client a normal exe based Eclipse RCP startup process is performed using a client entry point.
For the client a normal exe based Eclipse RCP startup process is performed using a client entry point.