These ultra-deep deposits must be drilled at up to three times the normal pressure for offshore oil.
The fuel payload need not be huge, either: just 1 kg (2.2 lb) of liquid hydrogen (26 litres at normal pressure) is enough to take the car 300 kilometres, says Spowers.
It could signal normal pressure hydrocephalus, in which pockets in the brain swell with too much spinal fluid.
A test for pressure inside the eye, or intraocular pressure, is one way to screen for the disease, but people with normal pressure can still have glaucoma.
Methods (1) The experiments of quick decapitation and anoxia under normal pressure model in mice was used to study the effects of LW on acute cerebral ischemia and anoxia.
In addition, this paper deduce identification method suitable for Overpressured gas reservoir waterflood by means of that of normal pressure gas reservoir.
Reservoir pressure can be divided into normal pressure, abnormal high pressure and abnormal low pressure in terms of the ratio between formation pressure and hydrostatic pressure.
Glass forming pressure needed to provide air pressure, the normal pressure is 6-8 MPa.
杯子成型需要气压提供,正常气压为6 - 8兆帕。需要配三立方空压机。
On the basis of the material balance equation, this paper develops a method to predict the formation pressure using cumulative production data for normal pressure confined gas reservoir.
Results show that there is obvious interaction between water content of coal and normal pressure when there is affecting tangential resistance.
The shear as well as the lateral pressure are therefore influenced by the normal pressure.
Contrast with normal-pressure process, pressurization process has more advantage, such as convenient operation, avoiding carbonization of raw material and stable quality of product.
They can not only remain tank internal normal pressure, but also prevent over pressure or vacuum in tank reduce liquid volatilization loss in tank.
They can not only remain tank internal normal pressure, but also prevent over pressure vacuum in tank reduce liquid volatilization loss in tank.
Installing tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) can prevent effectively a tire from running out of normal pressure for long hours, and increases automobile active safety.
Furthermore, some Suggestions for changing the equipments from normal pressure degree to lower pressure reaction degree were put foward.
Objective To research the protection action of ligustrazine for the normal pressure hypoxia and chemical hypoxia mice.
As a pulp washing device recently developed, the new-type pressure diffuser is an updated product for normal pressure diffuser.
Result: Moxibustion had the function of reinforcing Weight loading swimming ability and activity of lactic dehydrogenase and lengthening the time of bearing hypoxia at normal pressure.
A branched fluorine - containing acrylic resin has been developed through solution polymerization at normal pressure with liquid fluorine - containing acrylic acid monomer and acrylate monomers.
At normal pressure, dodecyl glucoside was prepared directly by reacting dodecanol with glucose using experimental method of uniform design.
The normal pressure on the shear device has a defined influence on the lateral pressure and the influence is different for different soils.
This kind of element can make use of joint experiment data to build solid joint model and can include normal nonlinear stiffness and coupling between shear stiffness and normal pressure.
An ethylene diffusion flame has been investigated at normal pressure using synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization and molecular-beam mass spectrometry.
Sample of porous SiC polycrystals are prepared by solid sintering process under high temperature and normal pressure using moulding SiC powder.
It must be installed in a piping system, where the normal pressure does not exceed this rating.
The normal pressure and oxygen-rich leaching process of sphalerite concentrate is investigated under the simulation condition in reactor.
The normal pressure and oxygen-rich leaching process of sphalerite concentrate is investigated under the simulation condition in reactor.