Had heard people speak: the value of life is a normal distribution curve, if the 40-year-old is a vertex, then 40 before the value of money higher, 40 after the value of time more and more high.
Leakage of groundwater will influence strata normal temperature distribution and generate the abnormality on temperature curve.
Coordinates of a normal probability paper are calculated with a approximate formula of normal distribution integral curve and drawn on screen.
A normal distribution of our data was shown using the normality test and distribution curve.
The probability distribution curve of the fluctuating pressure amplitude on the side wall of narrow-gap energy dissipater coincides with the normal probability curve.
The normal test showed that the distribution of pigment gland was a flat curve in segregation population.
Crowd excitation is simulated by random method according to normal footfall force curve and other individual factors such as distribution of crowd, step frequency and physiological characteristics.
Crowd excitation is simulated by random method according to normal footfall force curve and other individual factors such as distribution of crowd, step frequency and physiological characteristics.