Therefore, the wireless sensor network routing protocol design the main objective is to ensure that data under the premise of a normal extension of the network as much as possible the survival time.
He attributes this in part to the extension of unemployment benefit to 99 weeks from the normal 26 weeks.
As with most features in Rational Software Architect, to extend it you use the normal Eclipse extension mechanisms, creating a plug-in and implementing specific extension points.
如同Rational Software Architect中的大部分特性一样,要进行扩展,您要使用标准的Eclipse扩展机制,创建插件并实现具体的扩展点。
SimpleXML extension: Explore the SimpleXML toolset that converts XML to an object for you to process with normal property selectors and array iterators.
SimpleXML扩展:探索 SimpleXML工具集,它将XML转换成对象,从而允许通过一般的属性选择符和数组迭代器进行处理。
Don't forget to add the standard extension of.rb to the file, which is the normal Ruby extension.
This might be officially seen as a date, or possibly an extension of your normal routine.
Patients treated with HRA had more normal patterns of movement with greater improvement in hip abduction and extension moments than patients treated with tha.
The main theorems are the extension of some results of normal systems.
As the starting point and extension of dynamic traffic, parking behavior is a problem of static transport, affecting normal operation of the whole city traffic system.
The bulk container can fix the extension tube well while not affecting the normal work of the liquid tapping valve.
The related proof of such a kind of discrete-time singular bilinear systems may be regarded as the extension of the normal discrete-time bilinear system.
The testing methods on extension of anchor bolt are introduced. The whole deformations of normal bolts under pretensioning and its effect on the jacking of surrounding rock are pointed out.
Under normal physiologic condition, the stress in posterior extension is greater than that in anterior flexion, but less than in neutral position.
The normal flora of all individuals (normal or ill) appear to be an extension of the flo…
Complications such as wound infection, traumatic synovitis, nail loose and nonunion did not occur after surgery. Knee-ankle-joint flexion and extension function and walking were normal.
So, in the process of strain-measuring, when we apply the normal lever extension meter, it is confined by conditions, such as the install pattern, measurement standard and so on.
The plug type surge absorber is easy to be inserted in or pulled out from normal power sockets such as extension sockets and domestic sockets, etc. , thus being very convenient.
As pulsars are very dense, the matter should exist in the form different from normal matter, so nuclear matter-extension of nucleus, is good candidate.
The extension of the continental lithosphere that gives rise to extensional basins is generally considered as a shear process on major, gently dipping normal fault.
It is suitable for packaging of granular crushable items, pyro-extension food, precess noodles, melon-seeds, granulated sugar and peanuts in normal quantity.
Follow-up 8 to 24 months, no significant flap bloated appearance, good texture, good ankle flexion and extension, walking normal, and only the lateral dorsal sense of numbness.
随访8 ~24个月,皮瓣外观无明显臃肿,质地良好,踝关节屈伸运动良好,行走正常,仅感足背外侧麻木。
Follow-up 8 to 24 months, no significant flap bloated appearance, good texture, good ankle flexion and extension, walking normal, and only the lateral dorsal sense of numbness.
随访8 ~24个月,皮瓣外观无明显臃肿,质地良好,踝关节屈伸运动良好,行走正常,仅感足背外侧麻木。