The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
认为地表冻胀量是冻胀率沿整个冻深的叠加 ; 法向冻胀力则是在冻结锋面上冻胀应力沿基础影响范围之内的积分 。
The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
认为地表冻胀量是冻胀率沿整个冻深的叠加 ; 法向冻胀力则是在冻结锋面上冻胀应力沿基础影响范围之内的积分 。