Normal occlusion of porta hepatis can reduce blood loss effectively after liver resecting.
To find out whether the memory loss was permanent, researchers gave the mice a drug that, in effect, reduced the amount of the enzyme to normal levels.
Apparently, we often experience a sense of bereavement over the loss of the "normal" child we thought we had.
Children who have vision problems due to cataracts usually need surgery to prevent lasting vision loss and to ensure normal vision development.
Because waterfowl have normal body temperatures between 103 and 106 degrees Fahrenheit (39 and 41 Celsius), heat loss in the water can be fatal.
Eventually the hypothalamus interprets theelevated level of leptin as normal--and forever after misreads thedrops in leptin caused by weight loss as a starvation signal.
My right ear is better than my left, and I have what they term "mild hearing loss" -although past the age of 25, it's possible that I'm normal.
Driven by the loss of ice, Arctic temperatures are warming more quickly than other parts of the world: last autumn air temperatures in the Arctic stood at a record 5c above normal.
You do yourself a favor by accepting your feelings, saying instead, "I've just had a breakup." Feelings of loss are normal and natural.
Unfortunately, that type of advice can sometimes make people hesitant to talk about their loss or make them think they're grieving inappropriately or for too long, or that they're not normal.
It is important to note that the estimate for 2007 assumes a return to "normal" levels of expected catastrophe loss.
However, many women receive diagnoses of osteopenia - a scary-sounding term to describe early bone loss that often occurs with normal aging.
This process gradually depletes your stock of hair and is normal hair loss.
At Betty's table, we see everyone happily talking and laughing and each enjoying their meal - normal-sized portions of food -completely oblivious to the competitive weight-loss happening around them.
Before you get too discouraged you should know that it's normal for weight loss to slow and even stall.
Before you get too discouraged, you should know that it's normal for weight loss to slow and even stall.
What is more, switching limited vaccine-making capacity to pandemic production will mean the partial or even complete loss of normal seasonal vaccine supply.
Concussions are a type of internal head injury that causes the temporary loss of normal brain function.
Lifestyle upsets, including severe stress (death in the family, divorce, job loss) and changes in your diet (crash programs, lack of protein), can cause your hair to shed more rapidly than normal.
In other words, people with normal hearing can produce spurious responses during a hearing test that look like a mild hearing loss, a result consistent with measurement error.
If the subject identifies the sounds as a tune or specific pattern, the central hearing in the brain is normal and the cause of the hearing loss must be located in the inner ear.
Loss of brain function due to neural breakdown was assumed to be a normal, unavoidable part of aging.
Questions such as the urban water accumulation that caused by the urban water-logging, have influenced the people's normal life, and has seriously caused to loss property of country and people.
Because of the loss of water and electrolyte metabolism in the process of exercise, the normal physiological function of organism will be disturbed, which will lead to the decline in performance.
What's more, scientists say that for obese individuals who are metabolically normal, health doesn't improve significantly with weight loss.
Thee new work shows how two different sleep drives impact the brain, one during the normal waking hours and the other over days and weeks of sleep loss.
这项新的研究揭示了两种不同的睡眠驱力是如何对大脑产生影响的,一种是在正常清醒的状态下,另一种是在连续几天或几个星期缺觉的情况下。 许。
My mother and grandmother both have hearing loss, but I had always thought it was due to normal aging.
Normal age-re-lated memory loss is also linked to a loss of acetylcholine.
Normal age-re-lated memory loss is also linked to a loss of acetylcholine.