The invention is characterized in dipping said raw material in normal temperature and pressure.
Only under the normal temperature and pressure does it approximately conform to the actual gas.
It is a new and efficient gas catalyst can maintain high activity and capacity at normal temperature and pressure.
Nanosized nickel based catalysts can be used to carry out the hydrogenation of styrol and benzophenone at normal temperature and pressure.
The process of method is simple, easy to operate, a wide source of raw materials, mild reaction conditions, can be achieved under normal temperature and pressure;
In the absence of activator existence and normal temperature and pressure conditions, even after a long period of flooding, inorganic non-metallic materials will not gel and cure.
This paper studied imbibition law and influencing factor of low permeability sandstone under normal temperature and pressure and pulse pressure through self made experiment apparatus.
The new process has advantages of high zinc leaching rate, short flowsheet, leaching at normal temperature and pressure and no waste solution, suggesting a wide application field and good prospect.
2 SEC Because heat is no longer being transferred to the secondary loop, water pressure and water temperature in the primary loop rise. This is normal and no cause for concern.
This paper is undertaken to addredd the interface design of colouring machine group control system in detail at atmospheric temperature and normal pressure.
For all elements other than flow elements or control valves, the true minimum, normal and maximum pressure and temperature ranges over which the element is expected to be effective are shown.
Mg sample preparation for AFM was fixed on mica and AFM images of scanning observation were captured by contacting and tapping modes and operated under normal atmospheric pressure and temperature.
Both spectral energy density and radiation pressure of the normal fluid are larger than those of the normal blackbody, furthermore, they are monotonically increasing functions of temperature.
The turbine will operate at high temperature and high rotational speed, its pump will work under the conditions of lower or normal temperature, high pressure and high rotational speed.
Biochemical process has a series of advantage over traditional ones:reaction at normal pressure and room temperature, high conversion, no by-products produced and little environmental problems.
Under normal pressure and room temperature, urea humate is manufactured by coating urea with coal humus acid, with water and a few additives as its binder, also its agricultural effect is examined.
The Probability distribution of the operation pressure and operation temperature of several tower in a certain oil refinery has been researched, and they obey to normal distribution.
A new technology for producing calcium propionate from oyster shell under normal pressure and temperature was studied.
Sample of porous SiC polycrystals are prepared by solid sintering process under high temperature and normal pressure using moulding SiC powder.
For instance, it needs much lower temperature that the normal liquid boiling point, low pressure, and very short time to be heated etc.
By applying different pre-pressure, the speed, torque and temperature of the ultrasonic motor in low and high vacuum have been tested and compared with the normal condition.
Secondly, the medicament is used to degrease larch timber under normal temperature and heat with pressure. The efficiency of degreasing medicament is tested and excellent one is obtained.
It can evaluate the mass loss caused by evaporation in vacuum, obtain a saturated vapor pressure-temperature equation, and provide a means to verify saturated vapor pressure at normal temperature.
Optimization of catalysts and experimental conditions for chlorine dioxide catalytic oxidation of refractory wastewater under normal pressure and temperature were studied.
The invention permits the manufacture of conductive and semiconductive structures and pieces by sintering at room temperature and at normal pressure.
The hydrated calcium aluminate was synthesized by hydrothermal treatment at normal pressure, and then it was burned at low temperature to prepare calcium aluminate CACs(CAC s).
The hydrated calcium aluminate was synthesized by hydrothermal treatment at normal pressure, and then it was burned at low temperature to prepare calcium aluminate CACs(CAC s).