Why do not you like Wei Qing, Huo as the Northern Expedition Hun?
In the couple of years before the Northern Expedition, the South experienced much turmoil.
Sun Yat-sen and Chen Jiongming soon split over the continuation of the Northern Expedition.
Thanks to all this and to the assistance of the Soviet Union, the Northern Expedition was victorious.
It is the scholars unilateral conclusion that the northern expedition during Yuanjia caused the north to be stronger than the south.
During the period of Zhuge Liang's northern expedition, Weiyan, as Zhuge's capable assistant had achieved war exploits for the kingdom of Shu Han.
Being a literary advocator, he was undoubtedly successful, but his excessive indulgent character was one of the reasons that led to his defeat in the Northern Expedition.
Later, , Zhuge Liang launched six expeditions northward aimed at overthrowing Wei and unifying the country, but failed. On his last northern expedition, he died of illness.
后来,为了国家的统一,他六次北上攻打曹操,但都失败了。在最后一次北伐中,他由于过度劳累,病死在军营中。 !
They fail to see that while the experience of the Northern Expedition should be studied, it should not be copied and applied mechanically, because the circumstances of our present war are different.
The undated painting was found during an fall 2008 expedition at Djulirri in the Aborigine territory of Arnhem Land in northern Australia.
The undated painting was found during an fall 2008 expedition at Djulirri in the Aborigine territory of Arnhem Land in northern Australia.