Not a big problem. Just a mistake with my name.
For us there is not a big problem, just many little ones.
Sometimes they do, but it's not a big problem if you're careful.
B-It's not a big problem, during the day I just sleep at the office!
Some people feel shy to maintain eye contact. That's not a big problem.
Most people have enough bone to start with, so the bone loss of aging is not a big problem.
As for present boiler burning, it is not a big problem to keep boiler in safe operation.
In strict accordance with the timetable for each day to work, heavy workload, for me, not a big problem.
Tips: These common faults are not a big problem, but still need our timely maintenance, and take preventive measures.
This was not a big problem from 16th-century sailors, of course, and the Mercator projection remains popular to this day.
Dandruff is not a big problem, but it is really annoying and embarrassing when one's shoulders are covered with white specks.
Like you learned from social studies class, people in Montreal prefer to speak French, but communication is not a big problem.
This is not a big problem. They are very good at welcoming new players at Chelsea. I adapted very easily here - almost instantly.
We all are making many mistakes in our lives. It is not a big problem because it is a natural procedure for any human being's life during history.
While this is not a big problem in the RosettaNet environment, with Web services, the schemas from these DTDs need to be combined into the same document.
Getting all the toys in place at the end of the day is also not a big problem especially if your little one will help you (make it a game instead of a boring chore).
In small doses, this is not a big problem, but if complaining has become a huge part of our identities, it may be time to take a good look at how we are spending our energy.
A big problem with database triggers is that the application does not know that they exist, therefore does not know whether they have run or not.
CSS bloat is when you have rules in your sheet that are never used-bad, but not awful-or rules that contradict or override each other-really annoying, and potentially a big problem.
The first problem may or may not be a big deal depending on your level of experience.
“The big problem is foreign bombing, not Qaddafi,” says Nasr Abu Bakr, a technician at a power plant in Tobruk.
托布鲁克一家发电站的工程师纳斯尔•阿布•克尔(Nasr Abu Bakr)说:“最大的问题是外国的轰炸,而不是卡达菲。”
If the memory cache is used only for performance reasons, then storing data in memory cache might not be such a big problem.
This may not sound like a big problem.
What it does not address is the problem, greatest in Britain and Switzerland, that the financial sector is increasingly dominated by a handful of Banks too big and complex to be allowed to fail.
The sports hero syndrome is not as big a problem in Europe where, mainly due to colder climate, indoor activities or cultural pursuits are encouraged.
The big problem is not necessarily that it is dark (we'll talk about that in a minute) but that the scene is so bright in some places and dark in others.
The big problem is not necessarily that it is dark (we'll talk about that in a minute) but that the scene is so bright in some places and dark in others.