Hence, the expert assumes an authority and USES a language that the lay person is usually not able to judge.
Should not I be able to set it forth correctly before the judge, if occasion required?
If any stones appeal - be they from earrings, brooches or necklaces - Martin will be able to judge whether or not they can be transformed into rings.
Maybe I would not be able to convince the judge.
And not only do they judge the universe, but they judge the divine principles which have made it and they imagine they are able to know something.
However, he worries that if the funding decisions on individual projects are mainly made by academia, they may not be able to judge the market potentials of a new drug.
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
The judge and jury are not only able to listen to the witness, but also see the deponent at the same time.
If it had not been for this, if she had not been able to measure and judge him in a way, she would have been worse off than she was. She would have adored him.
Experience tells us that we can't judge a book by its cover, but the fact is that not many of us are able to learn our lesson.
Charles Goodhart, a British economist, has joked that he would love to be able to conduct quantitative easing in the north of Britain, but not in the south, to judge whether the policy worked.
"If they are not a U. S. citizen or if they're not here legally, then, even if they were released by a federal judge, they would not be able to stay here in the United States," he said.
If one is not sensitive to words, he will not be able to judge people.
Worse, not being able to access the right files can anger the judge.
Worse, not being able to access the right files can anger the judge.