Liker notes, "This is especially true because in most processes there are relatively few value-added steps, so improving those value-added steps will not amount to much."
I do not think I would have gotten something to the world quickly, nor received the amount of valuable contributions, if I had worried too much about optimization early on.
"I learned a fantastic amount," he said, "I came into it with a reasonably good knowledge, but this opened up a lot of areas that I did not have much exposure to."
The amount of gold is not much. But it is enough to feel the excitement of those gold seekers more than one hundred years ago.
As we've seen, just because X amount of memory is allocated to the process, it does not mean that's how much is being used.
Well to not make it much longer, in simple words the amount of Internet Success you wish to achieve is up to you.
Not only does the large amount of gangues take up much land including farmland, but also cause environmental pollution to different degrees.
We improve the quality of life is not the amount of breaths you take, seize, how much, but you hold how many wonderful moments, to give up many things that do not belong to you.
General expropriation behavior, refers to the general as his legal person of property illegally for himself, and is not much, amount to crime.
In my opinion, it does not amount to very much.
Not so long ago utility bills didn't amount to much.
Shaggy fur the amount is not much, either in the boots along in a circle, or to the boot is a "ten", or as the embodiment of two small round, a "Q" hanging in the boots on both sides.
In the first place, online course is much cheaper than traditional one, people will not have to pay a big amount tuition fee, and the learning content is as splendid as traditional one.
Against the not much different customers, the Banks's decision to loan business for which, the amount and so on, this has become a very important issue.
Whilst not the cheapest option around I would prefer to pay the small amount extra here and have a much much better stay.
CLIENT: I have a small amount of capital in reserve…and I can always use my home to raise money as a last resort… But I'm not much of a risk-taker.
CLIENT: I have a small amount of capital in reserve…and I can always use my home to raise money as a last resort… But I'm not much of a risk-taker.