Just because chinampas were not technically hydroponic doesn't mean this couldn't be an appropriate topic for your paper.
But it's not a race, it's really just for fun and the best thing would be to take it easy the first few times you do it and then see if you can gradually improve your time.
If you are someone who loves to show physical affection, you should not be afraid to show it or drastically change your behaviors—just ask for consent beforehand!
The second drawer began to fill and as it did I wondered whether there were bigger discoveries out there, not just species, but life that depends on things thought to be useless, life even without DNA. I started a third drawer for these big discoveries.
第二个抽屉开始被填满。此时我在想外头是否还有更大的发现,不只是物种,还有依赖于人们认为无用的东西的生命以及甚至没有 DNA 的生命。我为这些重大发现设立了第三个抽屉。
Coaching is a daily event, not just something to be brought out and dusted off for special occasions.
It'd still give me an answer. It just would not be the answer I'm looking for.
I think we're going to be prepared — just not going for that one first game and that's it.
The participants in our study just want the chance to do for themselves and not be dependent.
The first determines whether or not autoreminders should be sent for all rooms in the site, or just selected rooms.
Dark matter might not really be "stuff" - it could just be a misleading name for the odd behaviour of gravity.
We want to be known not just for what we consume, but for what we produce.
Be prepared not just for the AD, but also for the experience.
Standards should be enabling, not restricting just for the sake of it.
The consequence may not be just more light for the same amount of energy, but an actual increase in energy consumption, rather than the decrease hoped for by those promoting new forms of lighting.
If you are one to specialize in just one thing, then running a business might not be for you.
Getting agreement for such sanctions will be hard, and not just because of China and Russia.
And it calls for whole families to be admitted, not just foreign workers as often at present.
It has not, however, fallen far enough for central bankers to be celebrating just yet.
A wise boss will also appoint a senior executive to be responsible for data security-and not just to have a convenient scapegoat in the event of a leak.
Similar to the "stepping stone to success" trick above, but it can be used for anything, not just failure.
That is not just good business for florists. It could be a template for other countries seeking to step over the shadow of history.
The first rankings are planned by 2010. They will be of interest not just as a guide for shoppers in the global market, but also as indicators of performance in domestic markets.
And the word Jomon has come to be used not just for the objects, but for the people that made them, and even the whole historic period in which they were lived.
It's not just for celebs like Madonna, Yoga can be done by anyone at any level.
It may not be a coincidence that they finally voted for a ban just a month before they face elections.
For him not to be around, that he's gone, is just surreal. It cannot sink into my psyche.
To be eligible for a patent, an invention must not just be novel, but also useful and non-obvious.
To be eligible for a patent, an invention must not just be novel, but also useful and non-obvious.