She thinks Catherine haughty, and does not like her, I can guess by her talk.
You can claim you love the people all day long, but if you do not show it by being there for them, physically, emotionally, monetarily, or otherwise, then guess what?
Rubber is expected to burn less cleanly, but it is not clear by how much - the 60 grams is an educated guess.
Rubber is expected to burn less cleanly, but it is not clear by how much - the 60 grams is just an educated guess.
I guess it's not macho enough, John, to just, you know, you know, go off and do things by hand, you ought to just run them, but it's a valuable tool to get into, so let me do that here.
This guess seems to be confirmed by the fact that this anomaly is not present in Azul's JVM, which USES customized lock optimizations.
In fact, my program crashes because I end up trying to divide by zero, a really bad thing. Hint: if you implement Newton's method, do not make your first guess zero.
This is not some guess by experts that maybe this will happen.
The news of his coming to our unit was not well received by the commanding officers; I guess his reputation as a party pooper preceded him.
As the reader steps securely over the carefully-fitted pavement laid for him by modern revisers, he does not even guess at the rare and beautiful things lying beneath almost every separate block.
Guess it, my children and I want to traval. so if you not telephone me until this afternoon, we will go for you by plane.
"Lincoln was nothing if not confident, I guess," said Knox, who still looked perplexed by Puller's words.
I guess they dont trust the people to not start WW III by flying 35 miles north of Inchon into north Korea.
Those who can not see the future, I don't want to guess, but have now I know you by my side.
I would guess that it would result in some more giving next year by the people that sign on that might not otherwise be the case in aggregate.
Well, I guess anything is possible in a land that is governed by a huge, yet cuddly and not-at-all-scary lion, Aslan.
By the same token, try not to second-guess the situation if the decision to end things was not yours.
The Irish data-protection authority said it could not second-guess the European Commission, which, by signing the safe-harbour pact, had declared America's data-protection rules adequate.
The Irish data-protection authority said it could not second-guess the European Commission, which, by signing the safe-harbour pact, had declared America's data-protection rules adequate.