Not closely related, I should say?
Algae are not closely related to each other in an evolutionary sense.
Those circled things, they always and I have a close or not closely related.
Most of them are signing job contracts that are not closely related to the major.
Exogamy The fusion of gametes produced by organisms that are not closely related.
Long term prognosis is not closely related to the location and extent of the infarction.
ABP also looks for specialist hedge funds whose returns are not closely related to the rest of its portfolio.
Strictness is not closely related to responsibility judgment, but merely related to the seriousness of punishment.
And lived in the cities of the district, a neighborhood are not closely related, I simply can not find one I can give the person a meal.
A positive analysis of the relationship be tween China's industrial mar ket structure and technological innovation indicates that they are not closely related.
The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word, no one today associates with it.
For example, some venoms are chemical-based, and others are bacteria-based, so they clearly had to have developed along different routes and may not be as closely related as we thought.
The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word no one today associates with it.
While not truly a type of authorization, a closely related problem is that of customizing a user interface to only show the specific functions that a specific user should be allowed to see.
We also need to distinguish between a portal taxonomy and a content taxonomy, which are closely related, but are not the same.
You may not get fierce competitors to co-invest but perhaps you can get enough closely related companies that you don't have the branding problem I've spoken about.
Though they are commonly called starfish, these animals are not fish at all. They are echinoderms, closely related to sea urchins.
These fish are obviously not at all closely related to humans, yet they have this human ability to only copy when the pay-off is better than their own.
In any case, Goodall (who got her PhD in 1965) believes it is simple nonsense to say that animals, particularly chimpanzees which are so closely related to humans, do not have personalities.
Mean response times are quite closely related to application throughput and not highly correlated to GC pause times.
But what is more curious is this: the retrovirus is closely related to a free-living virus called Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus, which causes lung cancer in sheep and goats, but not other species.
She found, as she had hypothesised, that co-operatively breeding birds routinely have stronger immune responses to PHA than closely related species that do not breed co-operatively.
On the other hand, we see similar modifications (even if not to the extent seen in Balaur) in relatively closely related taxa such as birds or Velociraptor.
In an Oct-06 patent application Apple filed for patents related to software for browsing and recording live television, features most closely related to, but not currently available in, the Apple TV.
Not until quite recently did I realize that language was closely related to culture.
Closely related to taste, but since the sensations of taste and texture occur simultaneously, we do not usually distinguish them as separate.
Closely related to taste, but since the sensations of taste and texture occur simultaneously, we do not usually distinguish them as separate.